
Buildroot is an open source project and we warmly welcome your contributions.
There are different ways you can get involved:

For more details on these topics, check out the Contributing to buildroot chapter in the Buildroot manual. Thanks for your help!

If you need any support yourself, have a look at Support.


Besides technical contributions, you can also support the project financially.
There are various ways make a financial contribution:

  • Sponsor the Buildroot Association. The association helps Buildroot with infrastructure (servers, domain name, ...) and organising meetings. It relies on money from sponsors to organise those.
  • Practical help: providing a meeting room for developer meetings, providing autobuilder instances, etc.
  • Buildroot LTS Sponsoring, a specific effort to finance the maintenance of the Long Term Support branch of Buildroot.

All of these sponsors are thanked by listing them on the sponsors page.